Oh The Joy that Monday Brings!!! and today we have been lucky enough enjoy the Trinkling of raindrops pitter-patter all around.
Oh come on... Who am I kidding? Really.
I wonder if I am lucky enough to find a pair of those Rose colored glasses to borrow every once in awhile? I'm still trying to find my permanent pair.
The sabbath day was wonderful and peaceful as it ever was! and as the Sweetness of Sunday progresses, we all realize the many adventures we have set forth in the coming week. Luckily for me, I believe this is going to be one of those weeks with the Rosy Specs on :) Mostly do to the stamping & crafting fun that I will be hosting this Friday! It's always easier to make it through the trials of the week when you have something fun waiting for you to do at the end. Sunday is always that day I look forward to, but this week I get two-scoops of Fun!
As I am typing out this blog, I have realised that I do have my own permanent pair of Rose colored glasses! My beautiful son Noah gave them to me the moment he joined me in this crazy wonderful world. Through him I realize Life isn't easy on the straight & narrow. Heavenly Father knows that I have been every which way. Honest. I've Zig-Zag'd better then most people I have come to know. Now, through his blessings my path is Steadfast & Forward. Now I see, each day is New! and the bumpy road i had been on has long since smoothed & that straight & narrow, isn't as narrow as it looked before.
Now, I will prepare myself for my day, First thing's First! I'll put on my Rose colored classes & off I go, Headfirst in the Joyful Trials & Blessings that await me.
If any of you ever need your own pair of Rose colored glasses, just let me know! I'll help you find them. If Pink's not your color, let me know! Because true happiness has many colors & We've got to find the pair that best suits You : )
2020 Duck and Run 5K
4 years ago
Testing! Testing! 1-2-3!